Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Y'all just better hope we gracefully bow out!!!!!!!!!!


Fidel annouced he's done telling the pro libertariert what to do. Today he officially steps down and lets Lil Castro aka Raul Castro hold down the government. This officially makes Hugo Chavez the H.T.W.L.I.C. (Head Third World Leader In Charge). Fidel has a storied history. With as many fans as detractors. If you want to read more check out the guardian.


yeti said...

i bet you cried, you pinko scumbag.

princetothaC said...

el grande jeffe... this cuban girl i know today told me how he will still stay "the minister of ideas" or some such nonsense. it basically lets him have an arrangement like putin. not in charge but still very much in charge. she wasnt psyched.

123 said...
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123 said...

True. He's "stepped down," but mentioned that he will make sure that the Revolution does not take a turn for the worse. What a fucking joke.